How Are We Justified? (First Jab)

In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares the great measures that God and His Son have taken to save humanity from death, to restore us and to have a personal relationship with us for eternity! This is the second in a series of 4 Bible lectures on this topic.

The End of the World? Really?

Since the first century, every generation of Christian has believed that the world would end, very likely in their lifetime. This makes some Christians, and especially non-believers, skeptical of the Bible. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares many thoughts on how and why we should not lose our sense of awareness as to the second coming of Jesus, or as many call it, “the end of the world”.

In God We Trust!

Who do you trust? What can you trust? Is there anything in this world that we can truly trust? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows why it is vital that we trust God, keep our focus on His Kingdom and Jesus Christ rather than the things of this world.

Mercy And Truth Have Met Together

Many Christians have asked the question, what happens to the people who never knew about God or Jesus before they died, will they be saved? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses this from a Biblical perspective.

What Should We Be Celebrating?

The Bible is very clear as to what pleases and displeases God. What does the Bible have to say about things associated with the Halloween celebration? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares Biblical and secular thoughts on this topic.

Does Hellfire Really Exist Today?

People of many religions, including much of Christianity, hold to a non-Biblical view about hell. What you think about hell affects what you think about God! In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines what the Bible actually teaches about hellfire and clarifies many misunderstood Bible texts. This is the third of six presentations in the 2019 Bible series. This is the third of six presentations in the 2019 Bible series.

The Blood Of The Covenant

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Ed Short shows from the Bible how we can prepare ourselves for the communion celebration and why this is so important.

Are You Ready To Give An Answer?

Within the Christian churches, many people are confused as to what the Bible teaches. When asked what one believes, most cannot give a clear Bible answer. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin reviews some Bible doctrines that can cause divisions within the churches and asks Christians to personally consider the question, “are you ready to give an answer?”