Revealing The Truth About Hell

Does God really keep the devil below the surface of the earth as the chief superintendent of hell, measuring out the punishment of the lost? People of many religions, including much of Christianity hold to this view about hell. What we believe about hell affects what we believe about God! In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares what the Bible actually teaches about hell fire and helps to clarify many misunderstood Bible texts on this topic. This is part 2 of a series of 3 lectures in the 2022 Bible series.

Will This World Actually End?

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Does Jesus literally come back? What happens before, during and after the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation? In this presentation Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will show what the Bible says about these things and more! This is the sixth in a series of six presentations.

Does Hellfire Really Exist Today?

People of many religions, including much of Christianity, hold to a non-Biblical view about hell. What you think about hell affects what you think about God! In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines what the Bible actually teaches about hellfire and clarifies many misunderstood Bible texts. This is the third of six presentations in the 2019 Bible series. This is the third of six presentations in the 2019 Bible series.

Are You Ready To Give An Answer?

Within the Christian churches, many people are confused as to what the Bible teaches. When asked what one believes, most cannot give a clear Bible answer. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin reviews some Bible doctrines that can cause divisions within the churches and asks Christians to personally consider the question, “are you ready to give an answer?”

What! Good People Don’t Go To Heaven?

Do good people go to heaven? Are there “good” people? Is there danger in believing, “I’m a good person”? Who does the Bible say will go to heaven? What happens when Jesus comes? What happens after Jesus comes? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers all of these questions and many more from the Bible! This is the final of six presentations in the 2018 Bible series.

The Keys of the Kingdom

In Matthew chapter 16 Jesus has a conversation with the Apostle Peter regarding the keys of the Kingdom. What are the “keys”? What is the meaning of Jesus’ statement? How does this affect us today? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Ed Short addresses these questions and more straight from the Bible.

Unique Truths

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a few thoughts about things the Bible teaches which many Christians have never been taught.