A Word of Caution For Troublesome Times
In this brief announcement Mark Martin encourages Christians to not be distracted by the things happening in the world at this time, (February 2022) but to keep their focus on The Gospel of Christ!
The End Time Beasts of Revelation 13
Revelation 13 speaks of two beasts. Many people misunderstand these prophecies. In the sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin uses the Bible to identify these beast powers and how they affect us today and in the near future!
“The Jab” – Is It The Mark Of The Beast?
Revelation chapter 13 speaks about a beast and receiving its mark. What is the beast? What is the mark of the beast? How can we understand these things without speculation? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers these questions from the Bible.
The Beast of the End Times?
In December of 2021 there was a statue placed in front of the United Nations building in New York City which many said looked like something described in the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation. This caused quite a stir among the Christian community and also made newspaper headlines. Does this statue look like the images described in Daniel and Revelation? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will compare the statue in front of the United Nations to the beasts described in the Bible to see if the claims are true or not.
Is It Later Then You Think?
For nearly two thousand years God’s people have anticipated Jesus’ return. Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines times of past judgement in the Old Testament and compares these to the words of Jesus in the New Testament. What can we learn from these accounts? How do these things affect us now? Should we feel a sense of urgency about the times in which we live? Is it later than you think? These questions and more are discussed in this sermon.
Prophecies Unfolding In 2017
It seems that things in this world are happening at an unprecedented pace. Religious turmoil and political unrest seem to be on the increase. What does the Bible say about these things? What can we learn from current events and keeping watch on the religions of the world and their actions? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines current religious and political events from the Biblical perspective.
In God We Trust?
It’s obvious to most people that the world is coming apart at the seams, so-to-speak. Even in the United States, groups of people are at complete odds and some even protesting over the recent 2016 Presidential election. How can a Christian deal with such things? Is it wrong for a Christian to be involved in politics? In this brief video Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses these questions and more.
Setting Up Kings
The United States just had a Presidential election which surprised many people on both sides of the Political aisle. In this brief video Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares how this could potentially be a pivotal point in world history and perhaps even in a prophetic sense!
How Will You Respond?
During recent weeks, it appears more and more that the world is beginning to come apart at the seams, so-to-speak. As Christians, how are we to respond or react in such times as these? What kind of an impact can we have on others as things inevitably go from bad to worse? In this short video, Mark addresses this issue.
They Shall Not Cleave One To Another!
The day after Britain voted to leave the European Union, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shared just a few thoughts about what the Bible says regarding this topic.