The Bible – Fact or Fiction?
This is the the first of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series. This lecture lays a firm foundation for the ones that follow in the series, showing irrefutable evidence that the Bible is inspired by God!
The Truth About Satan’s Final Deception
This is the second of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series. In this video, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows clearly from the Bible how Satan has duped the majority of Christians today into believing and even teaching the first lie he told to Eve in the Garden of Eden. “You will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4)
Revealing The Secret Rapture
What is the rapture? Is it secret or visible? Will you be left behind or taken? Will there be 7 years of tribulation? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers many questions regarding this often misunderstood topic. This is the third of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series.
The Pope In Bible Prophecy
Did you know that the Papacy plays an important part of fulfilling end time Bible prophecy? Join Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin as he reveals from the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation the part the Pope will play in end time events! This is the fourth of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series.
Are Christians Ignoring God’s Law?
Are churches teaching the truth about God’s Commandments? Has God’s Law been changed? Could it be more important than many Christians think? How does this affect you personally? Do these things matter to God? The answers to these questions may be shocking to most people. This is the fifth of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series.
Will The USA Revoke Religious Freedom?
What does the Bible have to say about the United States and end time events? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares this timely and important message. This is the the last of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series.