The Beginning of Knowledge
Is there a difference between knowledge and wisdom? If so, what is the difference? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin gives an introduction to the book of Proverbs and the wise king Solomon, while making modern day application to the things we find in Proverbs chapter one. (Broadcast Date 1/14/2018)
The Tablets
More and more, Christians seem to be coming to the conclusion that the ten commandments were changed when Jesus died. Is this true? Have the commandments changed? Are the two commandments Jesus gave in Matthew 22:36-40 different or separate from the ten commandments God wrote in stone with His own finger? Are any one of the commandments more important than another? Are the ten commandments taught in the New Testament? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will answer these questions from the Bible. (Broadcast Date 1/5/2020)
The 10 Commandments In Genesis?
The vast majority of Christians believe that the 10 commandments didn’t come into existence until the Israelites came out of Egypt and Moses received them on Mount Sinai. Is this true? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows that every one of the 10 commandments can be found in the Bible book of Genesis, before Moses received them in writing on Mount Sinai. (Broadcast Date 1/12/2020)
When Was Satan Cast Out?
There are various teachings of different Christian denominations as to when they believe Satan was cast out of heaven. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a study to show what the Bible has to say about Satan being cast out of heaven. (Broadcast Date 1/19/2020)
Resurrection Proof!
How many resurrections are recorded in the Bible? What proof do we have that a resurrection has ever occurred? Does what we believe about what happens when we die have an impact on our understanding of the resurrections which have occurred and the ones yet to come? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Marin looks at every resurrection in the Bible and shows why it’s so important to have the Biblical understanding of these things. (Broadcast Date 1/26/2020)
Living Examples
The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the young man Titus which has many lessons for the Christian church today. In this sermon, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares practical lessons from this small book of the Bible. (Broadcast Date 2/2/2020)
Preach The Word!
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a little background history about the Prophecies of Hope ministry while at the same time showing the emphasis God has put on preaching the word throughout the Bible. Mark shows why this preaching work was so important in the past, and why this is extremely important today! (Broadcast Date 2/9/2020)
The Promises Of God
This world is full of distractions that can cause us to take for granted and sometimes even forget the Promises God has given us in His Word the Bible. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares just a few of the many wonderful promises God has made to His faithful people. (Broadcast Date 2/16/2020)
The Truth
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares some thoughts regarding the church organization in which he grew up. Mark was taught that the church of his youth was the only organization that had the truth. What does the Bible say in this regard? In this sermon Mark takes a look at what the Bible says about truth. (Broadcast Date 2/23/2020)
Are You Ready To Give An Answer?
Within the Christian churches, many people are confused as to what the Bible teaches. When asked what one believes, most cannot give a clear Bible answer. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin reviews some Bible doctrines that can cause divisions within the churches and asks Christians to personally consider the question, “are you ready to give an answer?” (Broadcast Date 3/1/2020)
The Power Of Prayer
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares several prayers from the Bible and shows how God is very interested in answering the prayers of His faithful servants. Mark shares some ways in which the prayers of others have deeply affected him personally. (Broadcast Date 3/8/2020)
And On The Seventh Day God…
In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines Genesis chapters 1 and 2. In these chapters we find that God created the earth in 6 days, each day being pronounced with “evening and morning”. Interestingly, in Genesis 2:1-3 there is no actual mention of “evening and morning” on the seventh day. Why is this so? Also, when did God make the seventh day Holy and when did He bless it? The Biblical answer may surprise you. (Broadcast Date 3/15/2020)
They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine!
It seems more and more that Christians go to church to hear a warm and cozy message. Many churches have become a social club rather than a house of worship. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses how and why this is a dangerous and life threatening trend. (Broadcast Date 3/22/2020)
What’s In Your Heart?
The Bible teaches us that our heart is deceitful. Can we change what’s in our heart? If so, How? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin challenges us to do a self examination and ask God to put in us a new heart. (Broadcast Date 3/29/2020)
Finding Peace In Times Of Trouble
At the time of this program broadcast there is a worldwide pandemic that has caused many people to be afraid and worried beyond what is usual. In this program Mark, Rick and Ed discuss the comfort we can receive from God’s Word the Bible in troublesome times. This is Ed Short’s radio debut on this program! Ed is a speaker and Sabbath School instructor for the Prophecies of Hope ministry. (Broadcast Date 4/5/2020)
What Does Easter Mean To You?
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed discuss the Easter celebration and some of the surprising origins associated with the holiday. (Broadcast Date 4/12/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 1)
In this program Mark and Ed start a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John which are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. In this series we will be pointing out a number of things which many people may overlook in a cursory reading of the book. (Broadcast Date 4/19/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 2)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue in 1 John chapter 2. (Broadcast Date 4/26/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 3)
In this program Mark and Rick continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue in 1 John chapter 3. (Broadcast Date 5/3/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 4)
In this program Mark and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue our study in 1 John chapter 3 beginning in verse 16. (Broadcast Date 5/10/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 5)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue our study in 1 John chapter 4. (Broadcast Date 5/17/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 6)
In this program Mark and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue our study in 1 John chapter 4 beginning in verse 12. (Broadcast Date 5/24/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 7)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we begin our study in 1 John chapter 5. (Broadcast Date 5/31/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 8)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we Continue our study in 1 John chapter 5 verse 8. (Broadcast Date 6/7/2020)
The First Epistle of John (Part 9)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we Continue our study in 1 John chapter 5 verse 13. (Broadcast Date 6/14/2020)
The Second Epistle of John (Part 1)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we begin our study in 2 John. (Broadcast Date 6/21/2020)
The Second Epistle of John (Part 2)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue our study in 2 John. (Broadcast Date 6/28/2020)
The Third Epistle of John
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which has given a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we complete this study series with the Bible book of 3 John. (Broadcast Date 7/5/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 1)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed begin a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 1 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/12/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 2)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 2 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/19/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 3)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 3 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/26/2020)
Are We Fishers Of Men?
Jesus told His disciples, “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). What exactly does this mean? What should this mean for the Christian church today? How serious is it to understand these words of Jesus? How do we become “fishers of men”? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers all of these important questions and more from the Bible. (Broadcast Date 8/2/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 4)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 4 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 8/09/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 5)
In this program Mark and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 5 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 8/16/2020)
Homosexuals in the Bible
In this world of political correctness there seems to less and less tolerance for what the Bible says regarding a number of topics. This has led to many Christians and church leaders accepting and even condoning things which the Bible speaks against. In this program Mark, Rick and Ed address a question someone asked about homosexuality in the Bible which has caused a lot of controversy among people both Christian and non-Christian alike. (Broadcast Date 8/23/2020)
How Can I Overcome?
We live in a sinful world and all of us are born into sin. Because of this we may feel that we are in a hopeless situation! Is it possible to overcome these tendencies? If so, how? In this program Mark, Rick and Ed share what the Bible says as to how this is possible and why this is important.(Broadcast Date 9/06/2020)
How Do I Study The Bible?
Many people want to study the Bible but the problem is they may not know where to start, how to study the Bible or even what resources are available. In this program Mark, Ed and guest Juan Contreras share a number of ways to study the Bible and they also share some of the free Bible study tools which they use in Bible study while allowing the Bible to interpret itself. (Broadcast Date 9/13/2020)
Searching For Bible Truth
Where do your doctrines come from? Did you learn them from a church? Were they passed on to you by your family? Did you learn them from a knowledgeable minister or pastor? Or, did you learn them from the Bible? In this program Mark, Ed and guest Juan Contreras show the importance of getting our doctrines from the Bible and not from a church, a denomination or from men. (Broadcast Date 9/20/2020)
Taking Delight In God’s Law
In a previous sermon entitled “Seeking God With Your Whole Heart” Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin began a sermon series on Psalm 119. In this sermon Mark continues in Psalm 119 but shows how God’s law is put in our heart and how this can benefit all people today! (Broadcast Date 9/27/2020)
Identifying The Mark Of Revelation’s Beast
Revelation is a book of the Bible which is not easily understood. You may not realize it, but the majority of the verses found in Revelation are found in the Old Testament. In this program Mark and Ed discuss and identify the mark of the beast which is mentioned in the Bible book of Revelation. (Broadcast Date 10/11/2020)
The Deception Behind Halloween
What is the main “doctrine” of Halloween? Is it important to understand? Is this celebration appropriate for Christians? In what way have many churches adapted and even adopted the Halloween celebration into the church trying to make it “acceptable” to the church members? In this program Mark, Rick and Ed answer these questions and use the Bible to show the importance of understanding these things! (Broadcast Date 10/25/2020)