The Fourth Beast of Daniel
Ed and Mark continue this study from the December 31, 2023 program. This program focuses on comparing Daniel to Revelation showing how the prophecies from Daniel and Revelation fit together perfectly and support each other not only showing world history but also pointing to the end of time in this world! This is part 3 of this 8 part series studying the beast power of Revelation. (Broadcast Date 1/7/2024)
Characteristics of the Beast Power
This week Ed, Mark and Rick were all able to get into the studio together! This continues our series studying the beasts of Daniel and Revelation. This is part 4 of an 8 part mini series studying the beast power of Revelation. (Broadcast Date 1/14/2024)
The Whole World Wanders After The Beast
In this program Ed and Mark show from the Bible what is necessary to make sure we are not deceived into following the beast power while also identifying the antichrist power mentioned in the Bible. This is part 5 of an 8 part mini series studying the beast of Revelation. (Broadcast Date 1/21/2024)
Babylon Is Fallen
The Bible book of Revelation uses the phrase, “Babylon is fallen” in Revelation 18:2. What is Babylon? What does it mean that Babylon is fallen? In this program Ed and Mark will answer these question as they continue with part 6 of this 8 part study series in Revelation. (Broadcast Date 1/28/2024)
The Daughters of Babylon
In this program Ed and Mark will identify the daughters of Babylon according to the Bible. This is part 7 of an 8 part study series in Revelation. (Broadcast Date 2/4/2024)
The Word Of God Under Attack
Since the beginning of the world, God and His Word have been under attack. As time goes on, this seems to be more and more prevalent. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin goes into some detail to show how the Word of God is being changed and how it affects Christian beliefs today. (Broadcast Date 2/11/2024)
Be Anxious For Nothing! Really?
Many people today are anxious about world events. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows what the Bible has to say about reducing our anxiety level. (Broadcast Date 2/18/2024)
The Daughters of Babylon and Their Wine
In this program Ed and Mark will once again identify the daughters of Babylon according to the Bible. We will see the influence these “daughters” have on many Christians today and why it’s so important to understand what the Bible says regarding these things. This is part 8 of an 8 part study series in Revelation. (Broadcast Date 2/25/2024)
How The Bible Can Change Your Life! (Part 1)
In this program Ed Short shares his personal testimony as to how a study of the Bible changed his life! (Broadcast Date 3/3/2024)
How The Bible Can Change Your Life! (Part 2)
In this program Mark Martin shares his personal testimony as to how a study of the Bible changed his life! (Broadcast Date 3/10/2024)