2014 Videos

The Dangers of Comfortable Christianity

Are you comfortable in your Christianity? Do you truly understand what you believe about God and Jesus? Can you clearly show and explain it from the Bible? Is God the Father a literal Father to His Son Jesus, or is this simply a “role” which God has taken upon Himself? Is Jesus, “the Son of God” or “God the Son”?

Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows very clearly and methodically what the Bible says about this most important topic. This is the first of a 6 part Bible prophecy series which was given in October of 2014.

Identifying The Antichrist

Did you know that the Bible gives 9 Identifying features for the Antichrist? In this lecture, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will show each of these characteristics from the Bible which clearly reveals the Antichrist!

Changing Times and Laws

In Daniel 7:25 the prophet Daniel foretold that there would be a power who would, “Intend to change times and law.” In this video, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will reveal the meaning of this Bible text!

What is The Mark of The Beast?

Did you know that there are 11 identifying characteristics in the Bible which identify the mark of the beast? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will clearly show the truth about the beast power and its mark as revealed in the Bible. We will identify each of the beast’s characteristics.

Islam in Bible Prophecy!

Join Prophecies of Hope in this exciting and enlightening study which will walk us through the Bible and will help us to understand history and current events regarding Islam in Bible prophecy.

The USA in Bible Prophecy!

Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin and speaker / co-founder Rick Tyler have an internet radio program called, “Prophecies of Hope, Bible Answers.” In this program they discuss a relatively unknown and neglected topic entitled, “The USA in Bible prophecy.” This was recorded in front of a live audience during a Prophecies of Hope evangelistic series in October of 2014.

2 thoughts on “2014 Videos”

  1. Just watched your video on “dangers of comfortable christianity”, and I took in every word. Found it so comforting to understand the relationship between Jesus and His Father. It just shows that we have to listen, read, and pray if we hope to learn.
    Thank you so much. Peter

    1. Thank you for watching and for your encouraging comments brother Peter. We hope these lectures will help people to have a closer walk and a better understanding of the truth about our heavenly Father and His only begotten Son Jesus!

      Your brother,
      Mark Martin.

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