In this heartwarming sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler helps us to appreciate the importance of viewing people we meet through the eyes of Jesus and treating each of them as though they are candidates for God’s Kingdom.
Category: Love
I Never Knew You!
What would it take for Jesus to say to someone, “I never knew you”? In this eye opening sermon, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin takes a straight forward look at this proclamation from Jesus. Mark shows us from the Bible how to avoid being condemned by Jesus’ words, “I never knew you”.
A Light Into the World
God desires for all people to be saved, but not all will choose salvation. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler helps us to see how Jesus treated all people as candidates for the kingdom of God.
Become All Things To All Men!
Within Christianity there are differing views as to the proper names of God and His Son, and even about the identity of God and His Son. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin asks and answers a number of questions regarding the Divine name. He also addresses Thomas’ statement in John 20:28, “My Lord and my God”.
Enduring The Race Of Faith!
This world does not make it easy to live a Godly life. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a number of Bible texts to encourage people to endure in their walk with Jesus despite the trials which may come upon us.
Unity, At What Cost?
Unity, At What Cost?
Some people believe we should try to be unified no matter what it takes. While unity is a good thing most of the time, is this what God expects of us? In this program Mark, Rick and Ed discuss the topic of being unified while balancing and maintaining our relationship with God and His Son. (Broadcast Date 1/24/2021)
Taking Delight In God’s Law
In a previous sermon entitled “Seeking God With Your Whole Heart” Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin began a sermon series on Psalm 119. In this sermon Mark continues in Psalm 119 but shows how God’s law is put in our heart and how this can benefit all people today! (Broadcast Date 9/27/2020)
Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 1)
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed begin a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 1 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/12/2020)
The Third Epistle of John
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which has given a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we complete this study series with the Bible book of 3 John. (Broadcast Date 7/5/2020)