I Never Knew You!

What would it take for Jesus to say to someone, “I never knew you”? In this eye opening sermon, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin takes a straight forward look at this proclamation from Jesus. Mark shows us from the Bible how to avoid being condemned by Jesus’ words, “I never knew you”.

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand!

Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What does this mean? Why have so many years passed since Jesus spoke these words? How can I be prepared for this kingdom? How can I help others to know about this kingdom? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers these questions from the Bible.

Do You Have The Truth?

Nearly every church or denomination has made the claim, “we have the truth.” When we see the variation in teachings and doctrinal differences of the thousands of churches in the world, is it possible the they all, “have the truth”? What is truth? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows from the Old and New Testaments what the Bible has to say about truth.