In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares the importance of personal prayer life and how this can bring us into a closer relationship with God.
Category: Prayer
Does God Answer Prayers Today?
Most Christians know and understand that God has answered prayers in a powerful way in times past. Do you believe God can answer prayers and work in your life today? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a part of his personal testimony and shares just a few of the many miracles God has done for the Prophecies of Hope ministry.
With God All Things Are Possible!
Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NKJV) When we pray, do we pray truly believing that God will answer our prayers? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a Bible account where we can see God answering the prayer of one of His faithful servants.
Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God!
When it comes to prayer there are quite a few questions people often ask. How do I pray? To Whom do I pray? What can I pray about? Should I kneel, sit or stand when I pray? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares some facts about prayers in the Bible and shows a number of prayers recorded in Scripture to help us find the answers to these questions and more.
The Peace Of God, Which Surpasses All Understanding!
In this world we are bombarded and surrounded by bad news and negativity. How can we have peace in this sinful world? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares this sermon from Philippians 4:4-9 to show how even in this world we can have the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding!
Be Anxious For Nothing – Really?
Many people today are anxious about world events. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows what the Bible has to say about reducing our anxiety level.
Honesty and Truth
Honesty and truth are two things which seem nearly impossible to find among people today. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares a number of Bible accounts which show why it is so important to do all things in honesty and truth.
Have You Prayed About It? (Part 2)
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares a personal testimony and shows how prayer can have a tremendous effect on our lives, even in the small things. This is part 2 of a two part series.
Have You Prayed About It? (Part 1)
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares a personal testimony and shows how prayer can have a tremendous effect on our lives, even in the small things. This is part 1 of a two part series.