The Law, the Sabbath, and the New Covenant

Since the fourth century there have been many misunderstandings, disagreements and arguments about God’s Law among Christians. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares from the Bible how God’s Law, the Sabbath and the New Covenant are related and why this is so important to understand.

Do You Have The Truth?

Nearly every church or denomination has made the claim, “we have the truth.” When we see the variation in teachings and doctrinal differences of the thousands of churches in the world, is it possible the they all, “have the truth”? What is truth? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows from the Old and New Testaments what the Bible has to say about truth.

Is The Nation of Israel God’s Chosen People Today?

It seems that today, all eyes are focused on Israel. Is this nation God’s chosen people today? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows what the bible has to say about the nation of Israel and why it’s so important to know the truth about this topic.

An Open Book Test

When taking a test, most of us would prefer an open book test. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shows us the importance of learning God’s Word the Bible. Rick shows us how there are many who even though they can open the Book of the Bible and read it, they may fail the open book test due to reading the book according to what they want to believe rather than reading the book according to what it really says.

Does God Answer Prayers Today?

Most Christians know and understand that God has answered prayers in a powerful way in times past. Do you believe God can answer prayers and work in your life today? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a part of his personal testimony and shares just a few of the many miracles God has done for the Prophecies of Hope ministry.

Till All Is Fulfilled – Till Heaven And Earth Pass Away

In Matthew 5:17 Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” (NKJV) What does this mean? What does it mean that Jesus “fulfilled” the Law? Did Jesus do away with the Law? Did He abolish or change God’s Law in any way? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers these questions from the Bible.

The Peace Of God, Which Surpasses All Understanding!

In this world we are bombarded and surrounded by bad news and negativity. How can we have peace in this sinful world? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares this sermon from Philippians 4:4-9 to show how even in this world we can have the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding!

Trust In The LORD With All Your Heart!

At the end of each year it seems that many people, (with good intentions) make goals which can be hard to achieve and maintain. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares some thoughts about how we can set reasonable goals for the new year while trusting in the LORD to help us to follow through.