The Last Days For The USA

Whether Christians or not, the vast majority of people who live in the USA recognize that this country (the USA) is very different today (in 2023) than it was just 4 years prior. Does the USA have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Is there a connection to the mark of the beast and the USA? What will happen to this “Land of the free”? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will answer these questions and many more right from the Bible! (This is part 3 of a 5 part series)

Identifying The Mark Of Revelation’s Beast

Revelation is a book of the Bible which is not easily understood. You may not realize it, but the majority of the verses found in Revelation are found in the Old Testament. In this program Mark and Ed discuss and identify the mark of the beast which is mentioned in the Bible book of Revelation. (Broadcast Date 10/11/2020)

The Bible, 666 And The Mark Of The Beast!

The mark of the beast is a topic which is misunderstood by many people today. What is the beast and what is its mark? Why is it important to know? in this presentation Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows 11 identifying characteristics which clearly identify the beast and its mark. This is the fourth in a series of six presentations.

Security In Wisdom

In Proverbs chapter 4 Solomon gives wise counsel to his son. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin gives an overview of Proverbs chapter 4 and shows how this counsel is still up to date and how it applies to us today.

Unique Truths

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a few thoughts about things the Bible teaches which many Christians have never been taught.

Unveiling The Beast of Revelation!

What is the beast of Revelation? What is the mark of the beast? What does the number 666 mean? Is it important to know and understand these things? Did you know that the book of Revelation gives 11 identifying characteristics for this beast? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin uses the Bible to methodically unveil the beast of Revelation. This is the seventh in a series of 8 lectures in the 2017 Prophecies of Hope Daniel and Revelation seminar.

Setting Up Kings

The United States just had a Presidential election which surprised many people on both sides of the Political aisle. In this brief video Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares how this could potentially be a pivotal point in world history and perhaps even in a prophetic sense!

The Pope In Bible Prophecy

Did you know that the Papacy plays an important part of fulfilling end time Bible prophecy? Join Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin as he reveals from the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation the part the Pope will play in end time events! This is the fourth of 6 lectures in the 2015 Prophecies of Hope Fall evangelism series.