An age old question which has been asked by Christians for centuries is, when will the Lord come? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin considers important Bible texts which point to this prophecy.
Category: Rapture
Studies in Matthew 24
In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue in their discussion of Matthew 24 from the previous week while pointing out some important prophecies which apply to us today! (Broadcast Date 2/21/2021)
A Prophetic Picture In Exodus!
Did you know that there amazing parallels between Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and end-time prophetic events mentioned in Matthew and Revelation? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares an exciting study which shows a number of parallels between Exodus, Matthew and Revelation, which can help to prepare us for Jesus’ return. This is part 7 in series of sermons which show God’s love for humanity.
Revealing The Truth About The Rapture
There are many different schools of thought about the second coming of Jesus and how it occurs. Many Christians have adopted belief in a “left behind” teaching which teaches a second chance for sinners. In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin uses the Bible to expose the ever growing false teaching of a “secret rapture” and shares what Jesus Himself said about how He returns. This is part 3 of a series of 3 lectures in the 2022 Bible series.
Victory In Jesus! (Fully Immunized)
In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin uses the Bible to answer questions such as, what will happen when Jesus returns? Are there really 2 resurrections? What takes place during the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation? Where will God’s people spend eternity? What is the eventuality of the unrighteous? Will the Devil exist forever? This is the fourth and final lecture of a four part Bible prophecy series.
God’s Care In Times Of Trouble
Most people today would say that we are living in unprecedented times. It seems as though things are getting worse and not better. Some ask, where is God in all of this? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows several Bible texts which can build your confidence and faith by showing how God cares for us in times of trouble.
The Day Of The Lord
For nearly 2000 years Christians have been expecting and preparing for the day of the Lord. In this Sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines 2 passages of Scripture which can help us to be ready for this highly anticipated day with confidence!
Will This World Actually End?
What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Does Jesus literally come back? What happens before, during and after the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation? In this presentation Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin will show what the Bible says about these things and more! This is the sixth in a series of six presentations.
The Rapture, What Does The Bible Say?
While the word, “rapture” cannot be found in the Bible, does this mean there is no rapture? If there is a rapture, is it a “secret” as many believe? Will there be tribulation? If so, how long will the tribulation last? What does the Bible say about Jesus’ coming? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers these questions and more from the Bible. This is the fourth of six presentations in the 2019 Bible series.