What Difference Can I Make?

When we learn about what God expects of us, how can we apply this in our lives in a practical way? Can we make a difference in the world and have a positive impact on others? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler helps us to see how we can personally make a difference and impact others in a positive way and why this is important.

Walking In The Spirit

The Bible uses the term, “Walking in the Spirit”. What does this mean? How can we “walk in the Spirit”? Is this only a New Testament idea? How does this affect us as Christians? In this sermon, Prophecies of hope evangelist Mark Martin takes an in depth look at what it means to walk in the Spirit. He shows how the Apostle Paul contrasts the “works of the flesh” to the “fruit of God’s Spirit”.

The World’s Most Important Bible Prophecy

If someone were to ask you which prophecy in the Bible is the most important, how would you answer? You may be surprised where in the Bible this is found, and the depth of meaning within this most important prophecy. In this program we rebroadcast a sermon given by Mark Martin in the 2016 Prophecies of Hope Bible series. (Broadcast Date 12/04/2016)

A Second Chance for Everyone

Many people believe that if we fail to get things right so-to-speak in this life, we will have a chance to do so in the resurrection. Some believe that only Christians will have the second chance, yet others believe there is a second chance for everyone? Who is correct and what is the correct understanding? In this sermon, Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler answers these questions from the Bible.

The Right Rite

Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (NKJV) Is this “The Right Rite” so-to-speak? In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines this topic.