Thy Kingdom Come!

It seems that things in the world are getting more and more out of control. What hope is there for people who have put their faith in government, science and modern medicine to cure these problems? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares just a few thoughts on the benefits of understanding what Jesus was praying for when He prayed, “Thy kingdom come”.

The Beginning of Knowledge

Is there a difference between knowledge and wisdom? If so, what is the difference? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin gives an introduction to the book of Proverbs and the wise king Solomon, while making modern day application to the things we find in Proverbs chapter one.

Lessons From The Gospel of John

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin discusses some of the in depth and practical truths we learn from the Gospel of John.

What About The Change?

We all carry the inherited burden of sin. Yet Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as my Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) Most people realize that it’s impossible for us to be perfect and change our character and actions on our own. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Ed Short shows what the Bible has to say about our character and how we can change and be perfected in Christ!

Desiring A Better Country

To most Americans the fourth of July is considered a day of independence and is celebrated across the nation as such. What does this mean for Christians? How did this affect the founding fathers of the United States? What did the founders of the United States understand about God? How does this affect American Christians? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler discusses these things from a Biblical perspective.

What’s In A Name?

What’s in a name? What is your name? What does it mean? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines the names of some of the patriarchs and prophets we find in the Bible. Mark shows how many times the names in the Bible correspond with the character or personality of the individual. This is also true regarding the name of the one true God Jehovah and His only begotten Son Jesus.

How Can I Be Saved?

Is there anything we can do to be saved? Does God require certain things from us to receive the gift of salvation? If so, does this mean I can work my way toward being saved? In not, does this I’m saved no matter what? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler answers these most important questions directly from the Bible!