When one invests in the material things of this world, there is nothing that will give an instantaneous or an absolute guaranteed return on your investment. When we follow Jesus there is a cost involved but what is the return on our investment? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Mark shares what the Bible has to say about the return on our investment in Christ Jesus.
Tag: worship
Count The Cost!
What does it mean when the Bible says to count the cost? Is the “cost” of being a Disciple of Jesus worth the trouble? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin takes a close look at the cost of being a Disciple of Jesus and what this may involve.
How To Have A Restful Sabbath (Part 1)
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares what the Bible teaches about the Sabbath, what the Sabbath hours mean to him and how we can keep the Sabbath according to the Commandments. This is the first of a 2 part series.
Who Decides?
In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler asks and answers a series of vital questions which every Christian, regardless of denomination or doctrinal beliefs, should ask.
Throne or Thrones?
This is a continuation of Ed Short’s previous sermon which was entitled, “Overcomers”. In this sermon Ed continues to share his understanding of Revelation 3:21.
The Seal of God
What is the seal of God? How does this affect us today? In this sermon Ed Short shares an interesting study on this important and timely topic.