The World’s Most Important Bible Prophecy

If someone were to ask you which prophecy in the Bible is the most important, how would you answer? You may be surprised where in the Bible this is found, and the depth of meaning within this most important prophecy. In this program we rebroadcast a sermon given by Mark Martin in the 2016 Prophecies of Hope Bible series. (Broadcast Date 12/04/2016)

Blessed Is He Who Keeps His Garments

When Adam was in the Garden of Eden, God said to him regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil, “in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). However, Adam did not die “the day” that he ate the forbidden fruit. Why is this so? The answer may surprise you! In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares some interesting facts regarding this topic.


This week on Prophecies of Hope, Bible Answers Rick and Mark will discuss the Biblical view of forgiveness and How this affects our relationship with God, with Jesus and with those around us. (Broadcast Date 1/14/2016)

Repent, For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand!

What is true repentance? Does God overlook us when we knowingly sin? Will He allow us into His Kingdom even if we are practicing adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals etc? In this lecture, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares the Bible’s view on this sensitive and sometimes controversial topic.