Safety In Wisdom

There are many people who believe that living the Christian life is restrictive and confining. In this sermon, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin gives an overview of Proverbs chapter 7 while illustrating how there is safety and freedom in following the wisdom from God.

Spiritual Eyesight

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler contrasts the spiritual person to the carnal person, showing the importance of having a meaningful relationship with God. Rick shows from the Bible that having “spiritual eyesight” helps us to avoid being distracted by the things of the world and how this can keep us focused on the spiritual things of God through Christ Jesus.

From The Heart

In John 14:27 Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (NKJV) In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler considers recent tragedies which have happened in the world and how we can draw comfort from God’s Word the Bible.

Blessed Is He Who Finds Wisdom

Tremendous wisdom is found in the Bible book of Proverbs. Many times we may think of the wise as being older people. However, Solomon gave wise counsel to both older ones and to the youth. In this sermon Prophecies of hope evangelist Mark Martin gives an overview of Proverbs chapter 3 and shows how Solomon’s words can greatly benefit both young and older ones not only for today, but for eternity!

In Remembrance of Me

Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of Me.” Taking part in this ordinance is vital for Christians. What is expected of us in this regard? Why is it important to follow through with this command? Why is the life and death of Jesus so important and how does it affect you personally? Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler addresses these questions in this sermon.

How Can I Be Saved?

Is there anything we can do to be saved? Does God require certain things from us to receive the gift of salvation? If so, does this mean I can work my way toward being saved? In not, does this I’m saved no matter what? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler answers these most important questions directly from the Bible!

An Ordinance of Humility

When Jesus had the last supper with His disciples He also instituted what some Christians may know as an ordinance of humility. What does this involve? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares what the Bible says in this regard.

Walking In The Spirit

The Bible uses the term, “Walking in the Spirit”. What does this mean? How can we “walk in the Spirit”? Is this only a New Testament idea? How does this affect us as Christians? In this sermon, Prophecies of hope evangelist Mark Martin takes an in depth look at what it means to walk in the Spirit. He shows how the Apostle Paul contrasts the “works of the flesh” to the “fruit of God’s Spirit”.