Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 4)

In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 4 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 8/09/2020)

Are We Fishers Of Men?

Jesus told His disciples, “I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). What exactly does this mean? What should this mean for the Christian church today? How serious is it to understand these words of Jesus? How do we become “fishers of men”? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers all of these important questions and more from the Bible. (Broadcast Date 8/2/2020)

Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 3)

In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 3 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/26/2020)

Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 2)

In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 2 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/19/2020)

Studying The Epistle of Jude (Part 1)

In this program Mark, Rick and Ed begin a Bible study series in the Bible book which is known as the Epistle of Jude. This is part 1 in a series of 5 studies. (Broadcast Date 7/12/2020)

Finding Peace In Times Of Trouble

At the time of this program broadcast there is a worldwide pandemic that has caused many people to be afraid and worried beyond what is usual. In this program Mark, Rick and Ed discuss the comfort we can receive from God’s Word the Bible in troublesome times. This is Ed Short’s radio debut on this program! Ed is a speaker and Sabbath School instructor for the Prophecies of Hope ministry. (Broadcast Date 4/5/2020)

What’s In Your Heart?

The Bible teaches us that our heart is deceitful. Can we change what’s in our heart? If so, How? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin challenges us to do a self examination and ask God to put in us a new heart. (Broadcast Date 3/29/2020)

Are You Ready To Give An Answer?

Within the Christian churches, many people are confused as to what the Bible teaches. When asked what one believes, most cannot give a clear Bible answer. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin reviews some Bible doctrines that can cause divisions within the churches and asks Christians to personally consider the question, “are you ready to give an answer?” (Broadcast Date 3/1/2020)

Preach The Word!

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a little background history about the Prophecies of Hope ministry while at the same time showing the emphasis God has put on preaching the word throughout the Bible. Mark shows why this preaching work was so important in the past, and why this is extremely important today!(Broadcast Date 2/9/2020)