Look Up and Lift Up Your Heads

Right after Jesus gave the signs of His soon coming, He said, “look up and lift up your heads.” As we draw closer to Jesus’ coming, we are told that the world is going to continue to go from bad to worse. What can we expect and how can we deal with these things? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses these questions.

Setting Up Kings

The United States just had a Presidential election which surprised many people on both sides of the Political aisle. In this brief video Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares how this could potentially be a pivotal point in world history and perhaps even in a prophetic sense!

Going Against the Grain

More and more it seems that people these days are hesitant to speak truth because they are afraid of the ramifications. This is commonplace in almost every social circle. Unfortunately, this includes many pastors and ministers who claim to be preaching from the Bible. Jesus’ teachings were controversial to the religious leaders and sometimes even the masses. Even though Jesus was “going against the grain,” so-to-speak, it was necessary if He was going to help people know and understand the truth of God’s Word. In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares how we can follow Jesus’ example today in the face of opposition.

How Will You Respond?

During recent weeks, it appears more and more that the world is beginning to come apart at the seams, so-to-speak. As Christians, how are we to respond or react in such times as these? What kind of an impact can we have on others as things inevitably go from bad to worse? In this short video, Mark addresses this issue.