Eternal Resolutions

At the beginning of each year millions of people make resolutions which many times are short lived. In this program Rick and Mark discuss the topic, “Eternal Resolutions”. You will not want to miss it! (Broadcast date 1/08/2015)

Who Is Real Israel?

This program is a sermon where Mark shares the prophetic Biblical view about Israel as a nation and a people. (Broadcast date 11/25/2014)

The Consuming Fire

Many people believe that God will burn the unrighteous for an eternity. What does the Bible say about eternal fire? How are we to understand the consuming fire as the Bible teaches? In this video, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a study on this topic.

Connecting With God Through Prayer

Do you find it difficult to pray? Have you ever wondered what to pray for or how we should pray? In this study Mark and Rick will show what the Bible has to say about how to pray, what we can pray for and to whom our prayers should be directed. (Broadcast date 11/18/2014)

Left Behind

Many Christians misunderstand the tribulation and the rapture. Does the Bible say there will be a 7 year tribulation? Do you want to be left Behind or taken? Is there a secret rapture? In this program Mark and Rick will study what the Bible has to say about this most important topic.(Broadcast date 10/28/2014)

The USA in Bible Prophecy! (Part 2)

It seems to be relatively unknown to many that the United States plays a very significant part in fulfilling end-time Bible prophecy. This is part 2 of a 2 part program where Mark and Rick will study how this will affect not only Americans, but the whole world. (Broadcast date 10/07/2014)

The USA in Bible Prophecy! (Part 1)

It seems to be relatively unknown to many that the United States plays a very significant part in fulfilling end-time Bible prophecy. This is part 1 of a 2 part program where Mark and Rick will study how this will affect not only Americans, but the whole world. (Broadcast date 9/30/2014)