The Gospel of John (Part 19)

This week on Prophecies of Hope, Bible Answers, Rick and Mark will conclude their overview study of the Gospel of John. This program covers John chapter 21. (Broadcast Date 7/30/2015)

What Shall I Do That I May Have Eternal Life?

Many people, (Christians included) live life as though there is no accountability for the things we do. Some Christians believe that salvation cannot be lost. They believe “once saved, always saved”. In this lecture, Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines these topics from a Biblical perspective.

The Gospel of John (Part 11)

This is part 11 in a series of studies on the Gospel of John. Rick and Mark will be sharing some simple yet in depth truths as they read through this Bible book and take a closer look at texts which many may overlook. (Broadcast date 4/16/2015)

Signs in the Heavens

Many people are talking about the blood moons of 2014 and 2015. Are they significant? Should we be paying attention to these things? Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses what the Bible says about “signs in the heavens”.

The Gospel of John (Part 10)

This is part 10 of a series of studies on the Gospel of John. Rick and Mark will be sharing some simple yet in depth truths as they read through this Bible book and take a closer look at texts which many may overlook. (Broadcast date 4/9/2015)

Be Not Conformed to This World

Are there hidden messages in entertainment? Does the devil manipulate the things we see on TV, in movies and hear on the radio? If so, how? In this lecture, Prophecies of Hope speaker / evangelist Mark Martin will share some of the “hidden messages” in the 2015 Superbowl halftime show.