The First Epistle of John (Part 5)

In this program Mark, Rick and Ed continue with a series of programs which will give a verse by verse overview and study of the New Testament Bible books of first, second and third John. These Bible books are also known as the 3 Epistles of John. This week we continue our study in 1 John chapter 4. (Broadcast Date 5/17/2020)

And On The Seventh Day God…

In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines Genesis chapters 1 and 2. In these chapters we find that God created the earth in 6 days, each day being pronounced with “evening and morning”. Interestingly, in Genesis 2:1-3 there is no actual mention of “evening and morning” on the seventh day. Why is this so? Also, when did God make the seventh day Holy and when did He bless it? The Biblical answer may surprise you. (Broadcast Date 3/15/2020)

The Open Door

Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, God has wanted to have a way to dwell among His people. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares lessons from the Old Testament sanctuary which point to how God restores this relationship through Jesus Christ.

The Law Of God In Galatians!

Was the Law of God abolished or, “wiped away” when Jesus died? Does the New Testament do away with the Ten Commandments? Many Christians believe that Galatians chapter 3 shows that the Commandments have changed. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin addresses this often misunderstood topic by examining the book of Galatians chapters 3-5. This is part 11 in series of sermons which show God’s love for humanity.

The Law of God / The Law of Moses – Is There a Difference?

What is the law of God? What is the law of Moses? Are they one in the same or are they separate? Is there a difference between the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic law? Are these laws for Christians? What is the difference between the new covenant and the old covenant? These are extremely important questions! While there are many varying opinions about these things, the vast majority of Christians have difficulty answering these questions from the Bible. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows many Bible verses which will clearly answer all of these questions and more from the Bible itself. This is part 10 in series of sermons which show God’s love for humanity

Speak To The Rock!

In Exodus, God told Moses, “You shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink” (Exodus 17:6, NKJV). 40 years later, in the book of Numbers, God told Moses, “speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water” (Numbers 20:8 NKJV). What was God trying to teach Moses on these two occasions? Why is it important for us to understand? How do these accounts point to the Gospel? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin answers these questions and more from the Bible, while showing a few points which some may have overlooked. This is part 5 in series of sermons.

Water From The Rock!

In Exodus chapter 17 God instructed Moses to strike a rock with his rod which would cause water to come out for the people to drink. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin uses the Bible to show the significance of the rock and the water which flowed from the rock. This is part 4 in series of sermons which show God’s love for humanity.

You Shall See The Glory Of Jehovah!

Exodus chapter 16 has many lessons and a number of prophecies which point forward to Jesus’ coming as the Messiah. We also find many parallels between Exodus and the New Testament. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares a few of these interesting and sometimes overlooked points. This is part 3 in series of sermons which show God’s love for humanity.

Lessons From The Life Of David (Part 3)

There are many lessons we can learn from the life of David. Sometimes when we read a Bible account we may overlook the deeper meaning of why these things were recorded for us. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler takes a closer than usual look at the account of David and Goliath and shows practical ways we can benefit from knowing these things today. This is part 3 in a series of sermons about the life of David.