And On The Seventh Day God…

In this lecture Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin examines Genesis chapters 1 and 2. In these chapters we find that God created the earth in 6 days, each day being pronounced with “evening and morning”. Interestingly, in Genesis 2:1-3 there is no actual mention of “evening and morning” on the seventh day. Why is this so? Also, when did God make the seventh day Holy and when did He bless it? The Biblical answer may surprise you.

Cleansing The Temple

In the Gospel of John chapter 2 we find that Jesus cleanses the temple. Why is this significant? How does this affect us today? Is there a “cleansing of the temple” that needs to take place today? If so, what does this mean and how does it occur? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Ed Short addresses these questions and more.

The Perfect Candidate

When we meet people on a daily basis do we consider them candidates for the kingdom of God? In the first century, who would have known that Saul who persecuted Christians would become Paul who eventually wrote many New Testament Bible books and become a candidate for the kingdom? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shows the importance of witnessing without partiality and doing so whenever we have the opportunity.

Knowing God

Many Christians claim that God is a mystery and we cannot possibly know or understand Him. Is this true? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Ed Short shares an abundance of Scripture texts which show that God reveals Himself to humanity through His written Word and wants us to know Him intimately.