Laying The Foundation For Prophetic Interpretation

When reading the Bible, how can we know what is to be understood as literal and what is to be understood as figurative or symbolic? How can we better understand Bible prophecy? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shares several things we must consider when reading the Bible and particularly when studying Bible prophecy.

We Are Bought With A Price

In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shares more about the marvelous gift God has given to humanity by sending His only begotten Son. Rick reminds us that living our life for God is not always an easy task. But with God all things are possible!

Seen and Not Seen

Sometimes Christians believe certain doctrines simply because they believe what their church teaches or perhaps they have grown up being taught doctrines which they thought were Biblical to later find out that they are not Biblical at all. In this sermon Prophecies of Hope speaker Rick Tyler shows us why it is so important to follow God’s Word and not men.

Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind!

All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Sometimes we may dwell on the past and this can bring us down in many ways. Is it really possible to forget the sinful things we may have done in the past? In this sermon Prophecies of Hope evangelist Mark Martin shows how we can stop dwelling on past sins and move forward in Jesus!