Weekly Radio Program – The Inspired Word of God! (Broadcast 12/8/2013)

Is the Bible really inspired of God? Many people believe it is! In this program Mark and Rick discuss several texts from the Bible which show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Bible is a supernatural book! (Broadcast date 12/08/2013)

2 thoughts on “Weekly Radio Program – The Inspired Word of God! (Broadcast 12/8/2013)”

  1. Mark & Rick,

    Thank you for sending a copy of your radio program about the Inspired Word of God. Your insights that you shared have expanded our understanding of prophecy.

    I would like to speak to Mark when you are able to call. We are from Minnesota (central time). Sunday afternoon or evening would work well, or after 8:30pm during the week. My number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. Sabbath blessings to you.


  2. Hi D.S.

    I just received your post regarding the Prophecies of Hope radio program entitled, “The Inspired Word of God!” I will try to call you tomorrow if that’s okay. Please let me know if there is a specific time that will work better for you. Would you like to speak with just me, or with Rick also. I just called him and we are happy to conference call with you if you like. Either way will work just fine. I’m looking forward to talking with you! Thanks for listening!

    God bless,
    Mark Martin.

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